Will Knight
Commercial / Editorial / Education
Freelance creative, art director and educator based between London and Newcastle.
Previously Creative Lead at It’s Nice That.
Instagram GAP: Convent Garden
Working with with the Anyways Creative team to help GAP to turn its Covent Garden store into a concept space, celebrating its heritage in conjunction with the launch of their new ‘90s reissue collection.
The 6 week project activated online through a commissioned social film, in-store through events with partners including Story MFG and gal-dem, and with exclusive products including a range of denim patches by Tim Lahan and a limited edition capsule collection with New York fashion label Landlord.
Collaborators & Credits
- Created with Anyways Creative.
- Denim Patches by Tim Lahan.
- Denim workshop by Story MFG.
- Panel Talk by gal-dem, Danielle Pender (Riposte) and Kai Ludderodt (Diversity Matters).